Keeping your devices clean is just as important as installation. Whether your device is in a kitchen or on a counter, maintenance can prevent issues from happening. Extending the life of your POS system’s equipment saves you money.

Kitchen printers are a magnet for grease. Luckily using a degreaser on the outside casing is effective and unharmful to the device. With a Kitchen Display System (KDS) it’s a bit trickier. There are tactics you can employ to prevent build-up directly on the device. Covering the KDS screen with saran wrap or a screen protector will prevent grease from building up on the screen. For the back of the KDS, we recommend using a 95% IPA (Iso-Propyl Alcohol, not beer) to clean the back casing. You can use the degreaser on the back of your KDS, but you have to be sure not to get it in the vent openings. IPA at 95% evaporates quickly, leaving little to no residue behind, making it the perfect solution for cleaning electronics. Countertop printers just wiping them down with regular cleaners is sufficient.

Touch Screens

The iPads and tablets your point-of-sale system uses also require regular cleaning. Luckily with these, all you need is a microfiber cloth to wipe it down at the end of the day. No additional cleaning solution is required. If you do find that the screen is getting gunky, a tv screen cleaner will work. Avoid using Windex or any other corrosive agent as this will damage the screen and cause more problems.
As always, if you are unsure as to what to use to keep your device in tip-top shape, reach out to us, and we’ll advise you on what to use. That way, your devices’ stay clean, last longer, and make running your business a little smoother.