Every restaurant kitchen flows differently. Identifying the order process is one of the first steps we take in getting to know your business. The basics of your flow, like kitchen organization, is solely up to you. Where we come in is how your kitchen gets its orders. The question is, how do we get the orders to the kitchen in the most organized and efficient way possible?
To optimize your flow, we start by getting your kitchen’s layout. Is it a large kitchen with multiple cooks and stations? Or is it a more intimate set up with only two or three kitchen staff? For example, let’s say it is a large-scale kitchen complete with fry, grill, expo, and steamer stations, and your kitchen is optimized so your staff can stay at their station without having to leave the line. We can increase your speed of service by isolating your menu items to print to specific stations, so your staff doesn’t have to look through the ticket and figure out what applies to them. With our POS system, we program which menu items go to which station’s printer, increasing your ticket time and saving money on printer paper. These features are a simple yet elegant way of taking seconds off of your ticket time.

You can always take things a step further by adding Kitchen Display Screens (KDS) to eliminate paper tickets and make recalling a previous order a breeze. Kitchen Display Screens gives you the option for all-day counts improving the kitchen’s efficiency. Instead of having to go line by line of each ticket and count how many orders of french fries needs to go down, there is a convenient tracker in the top right corner. Finally, setting up an expo printer to expo’s KDS makes the handoff from the back of the house to the front of the house seamless.
Every restaurant should aim to shave as much time off of a ticket as possible. Quicker tickets mean turning tables quicker and bringing in more business. Efficient kitchen flow doesn’t just enhance your dining experience: it makes your business more money. For these improvements and more, reach out to us to schedule a demo and learn how we can help you improve your operations.